Where this blog(ger) has gone…

March 16, 2016 at 8:18 pm (Uncategorized)

This blog isn’t being updated anymore. It was always “about” academia more generally even though it was often also about student veterans or medieval poems. Since I left academia last year (and, sadly, abandoned my dissertation and PhD completion due to issues I have no way to resolve in the foreseeable future), there’s nothing left to say here.

That all of this came shortly on the heels of my getting a coauthored article published in Studies in Philology — a major career goal than I managed early on without actually being able to manage having the career — this is all especially bitter for me still, and I have not recovered. In fact, I am still really not okay, psychically/emotionally or financially. The grief has been tremendous.

But after two years of 70+ hour workweeks teaching mostly freshman comp, so a crippling grading load, and a final semester during which I had to call campus security to remove a hostile and aggressive student from my classroom, I had to admit that this non-tenure-track, contingent, contract teaching job I was so incredibly lucky to get was *actually killing me.*

And as I’ve discussed several times on this blog, adjuncting is simply not a possibility for me, and I cannot afford to stay on the job market *and* stay viable as a candidate.

So that’s it for me. I’m no longer an academic. I don’t know what I *am* instead yet, and that is a big part of the problem, but there’s the short-to-medium version of what became of this blog and this blogger.

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